Standing committees

As a college shaped by the distinctive perspectives of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Earlham College’s governance processes are unusually open and participatory. The college encourages contributions from teaching and administrative faculty, from students and from hourly staff.

To that end, you will find a mix of faculty, staff and students on many of the College’s standing committees. These committees use consultation and consensus in their decision-making processes.

Click on a committee below to learn more about their charges, memberships and recent or notable updates.

Current committees

Academic Advisory Committee
Admissions and Financial Aid Advisory Committee
Budget Advisory Committee
Campus Life Advisory Committee
Clerk of the Faculty
Committee on Assessment and Accreditation
Curricular Policy Committee
Diversity Progress Advisory Committee
Earlham Events Committee
Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Interview and Search Committee
Faculty Liaisons to the Board of Trustees
GLCA Academic Council
Grievance Council
Nominating Committee
Professional Development Fund Committee
Recording Clerk of the Faculty
Staff Engagement and Advisory Committee (formerly Employee Council)
Student Conduct Council
Student Faculty Affairs Committee
Student Search and Interview Committee
Sustainability Progress Committee
Title IX Advisory Committee
Welfare Advisory Committee

View membership compositions for all standing committees.*

*Requires SSO access to view.