Home : Student Life : Dean of Students

Dean of students

The dean of students is committed to supporting and assisting students in every stage of their Earlham journey — from their transition into college to their continued growth as members of the community. At Earlham, we are mindful of creating a living-learning environment that supports and challenges students to expand their ideas and ways of knowing and being.

Academic policies

Academic Integrity PolicyGraduation Requirements
Appealing a GradeInformation Technology Acceptable Use Policy
Copyright Policy
Grading PolicySenior Capstone Requirement

Attendance, leaves and withdrawals

Approved Absences PolicyAthletics Attendance Policy
Enrollment Policy
Student Leave-of-Absence & Withdrawal Policy

Community policies

Principles and PracticesResidence Life Policies
Religious Life at Earlham College

Disabilities, statements and policies

Compliance statements*Students with Disability Policy


Compliance statements*Bias Protocol
Title IX


Campus Posting PolicyStudent Social Event Policy

Health and wellness

Alcohol PolicySmoking Policy
Athletics and Wellness at Earlham
Drug-free Campus StatementHealth Services Transport Protocol
Illegal Drug and Drug Paraphernalia Policy

Principles and practices

Principles and Practices


Confidentiality of Educational RecordsParental Notification Policy

Safety and security

Public Safety PoliciesSecurity Camera Policy
Clery ActSexual Harassment and Grievance Policy
Compliance statements*Sexual Harassment Policy Violations Grievance Procedures
Firearms PolicyBias Protocol
Policy Prohibiting Sexual Misconduct

Student information

Student Consumer Complaint ProcessStudent Handbook
Student Employment

* Required reporting from the College

Student life VP with students

Meet the dean

Dean of Students Bonita Washington-Lacey is an alumna of Earlham College, former student-athlete, and longtime Earlham employee. Her deep respect for and commitment to Earlham students guides every aspect of her work.

Meet the Dean