Safety and security policies

Procedures to report criminal acts or emergencies

Contacting Public Safety at extension 1400 (or 765-983-1400) for all emergencies will provide a speedier response for emergency service than calling other emergency services. When you call 1400, your call will be answered by a dispatcher who will take your information and contact other emergency services and the on-duty Public Safety Officer directly by radio.

The officer has the ability to provide specific direction and assist with building access for off-campus emergency responders such as responders from Rural-Metro Ambulance service, the Richmond Police department and the Richmond Fire Department. This assistance speeds response for the external responders. Additionally, calling 1400 allows for specific and immediate tracking of the phone call location, which cannot be done when calling outside of the college for assistance.

Callers should always stay on the phone line with the Public Safety dispatcher until he/she terminates the call—do not hang up. Each time an officer responds to an emergency or incident on campus, the event is documented and forwarded to the appropriate support area, such as residence life, counseling or student development.

A Public Safety Officer is available 24 hours-a-day, 365 days-a-year.

Crime and safety alerts are issued by Public Safety for potentially dangerous situations. Posted in prominent places on campus, these alerts may be e-mailed and/or placed in Around The Heart and posted on exterior doors of campus facilities.

Public Safety along with Student Development provide information on safety and security to students and employees through seminars, films, bulletins, crime alerts, posters and brochures. In addition, the director of Public Safety provides information to Earlham’s student newspaper when needed to disseminate information or when requested by students working on stories for the publication.

These statistics are distributed in accordance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act. Earlham’s crime statistics are linked to from the Safety and Security website.


It is the policy of Earlham College to actively investigate any report of a missing student who is enrolled at the College. If a member of the Earlham College community has reason to believe that a student is missing, all possible efforts are made to locate the student to determine his or her state of health and well-being. This effort is coordinated by the Earlham Public Safety, in collaboration with the Office of Student Development and the missing student’s family and friends.

If not located within 24 hours, appropriate family members, associates, or a College official will make an official missing person report to the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction. Earlham Public Safety will cooperate with, aid, and assist the primary investigative agency in all ways prescribed by law.


Initial response

  • Begin an incident report. Obtain as many details as possible from complainant.
  • Verify when, where, and by whom the missing student was last seen.
  • Were efforts made to check the student’s residence; contact the student via phone or email.
  • Promptly dispatch officer(s) to conduct a preliminary investigation. Inform responding officer(s) of all pertinent information.
  • Provide pertinent information to appropriate area law enforcement agencies.
  • Obtain a photograph of the student.
  • Inform the Dean of Student Development/Associate Dean of Student Development that a missing student report has been filed.
  • The Director of Public Safety (or designee) will advise the Dean/ Associate during the investigation process.
  • Maintain all notes, records, and recordings of telephone and radio communications.
  • Search department records and advise investigating staff(s) and/or supervision about any pertinent information found.
  • As the investigation progresses, ensure that pertinent details are continually relayed to the investigating officers and college staff members involved in the search.
  • Make notifications to college/university administration in accordance with established policies and procedures.
  • Prepare a flyer/bulletin and distribute.

Investigative steps

  • Interview the person(s) who reported the disappearance; verify accuracy of information already provided.
  • Determine if outside assistance is necessary and request.
  • Determine the circumstances associated with the disappearance.
  • Obtain and document all available details regarding circumstances associated with the disappearance.
  • Make an initial determination regarding the disappearance category.
  • If the cause of the disappearance is uncertain, obtain relevant background information.
  • Obtain detailed description of any vehicles involved; including times sited and directions of travel.
  • Obtain his or her student identification, campus account, and social security numbers.
  • Obtain locations of his or her residences, places frequented, and employment.
  • Obtain his or her academic and work schedules.
  • Obtain information about automobiles registered to or used by the student.
  • Obtain information about parents/family members, romantic interests, roommate(s), and friends/acquaintances.
  • Obtain information about instructors/professors, workplace colleagues, residence hall staff, and others.
  • Continue to verify when, where, and by whom the missing student was last seen.
  • Interview individuals who may have had contact with the student prior to the disappearance.
  • Secure the student’s residence as a potential source of information and evidence.
  • Request investigative and/or supervisory assistance, if warranted.
  • Ensure that all additional responding personnel are thoroughly briefed.
  • Institute (or continue) area canvasses for witness information and searches of all surrounding areas, including vehicles.
  • Ensure that all potential evidence is properly handled.
  • Everyone should be interviewed separately. Obtain, document, and evaluate all information provided.
  • Ensure that use of student accounts/passwords is monitored.
  • Prepare, update, and disseminate informational bulletins to police agencies.
  • Ensure that all computers used by the missing student are handled as evidence.
  • Obtain and examine Internet service provider and e-mail records. Monitor instant messaging and chat room activity.

Contacting Parents/Family Members

  • The Dean/Associate Dean will notify family members; family members will be interviewed by Public Safety.
  • Advise family members about support services.
  • Advise parents/family members to maintain a log that records information about all visitors and callers.
  • Assign a liaison to ensure that family members are provided with information and support.

Investigative Checklist to Assist with the Process – General Questions

  • Is the student missing from the campus, his or her family residence, or another location?
  • Is there a witness to or physical evidence of an abduction or other foul play?
  • Is the student despondent or mentally or physically disabled?
  • Is the student experiencing academic, personal, or financial problems?
  • Has the student disappeared before?
  • Does the student have a known drug and/or alcohol problem?
  • Has the student received any threats or warnings?
  • What was the student’s lifestyle? Does the student have a criminal record?
  • Did the student or perpetrator leave a note?
  • Have similar incidents been reported within the area (attempted abductions, suspicious persons)?

Adopted: April 2009

Students are requested to register their bikes with Public Safety. Bikes may not be locked to the railings of handicap ramps, allowed to block the exits or entrances of any building, or parked inside any building except in individual residence rooms. Upon request by Public Safety, bikes parked in unauthorized areas will be removed by Public Safety and the owner will be fined $100.

Bikes may not be stored on campus during the summer. Bikes not removed at the end of the academic year will be sold at an annual summer bike auction.

The Facilities Department is responsible for College Vehicle Driver Registration.

Vehicle parking and traffic regulations

Students, faculty, staff and contract employees who own, possess, or operate a vehicle on campus property are responsible for knowing the vehicle parking and traffic policies. With rare exceptions, parking violations are imposed against the vehicle rather than against the operator, and the owner of the vehicle in violation is responsible for payment of the fines. Moving violations are imposed against the operator of the vehicle at the time of the violation.

The office of Public Safety wants all students to know that vehicle registration is required. Providing the information is important as it provides Public Safety pertinent contact information in the event that a vehicle is involved during an emergency situation. i.e., a student’s vehicle is being broken into or someone hits the vehicle and flees the scene. The registration information enables CSS Officers to contact the owner more quickly.

Rules and Regulations

  1. All vehicles must be registered with the Department of Public Safety within the first two days of the date the vehicle is brought to campus. Employees need to register their vehicle at the start of employment.
  2. Student vehicles must be registered each year, including off-campus housed students & exempt students. The registration fee is $40.00 per year. Student vehicles not registered are subject to a $75.00 fine for each ticket.
  3. Parking hang tags must be displayed on the rear view mirror at all times. Parking stickers must be displayed in the front, upper left-hand-side window just below the sun tint when the vehicle is on campus property. If a registered vehicle receives a ticket because the hang tag/sticker is not displayed properly, the owner is fined.
  4. All replacement tags/stickers (lost or stolen) cost $25. Protect your permit; lock your vehicle at all times.
  5. Vehicles must be maintained in safe operating condition at all times.
  6. Vehicles without valid license plates will be towed away and stored at the owner’s expense.
  7. Parking on the grass is prohibited except during special events in designated areas.
  8. Marked parking lanes must be observed in all lots.
  9. Campus speed limit is 20 MPH.
  10. No parking is permitted in any area designated by a yellow curb, no parking zone signs, fire lanes, cross walks or sidewalks.
  11. No obstruction of any vehicle in any lot is permitted.
  12. Any vehicle that is found parked in and interfering with the normal flow of traffic will be towed at the owner’s expense.
  13. When two inches or more of snow accumulate, parking on the main drive is permitted only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. All vehicles must be moved after 5:00 p.m. to allow for snow removal.
  14. Any accident occurring on the Earlham campus must be reported to Public Safety immediately unless extenuating circumstance exist.
  15. Any driver who is involved in a hit and run accident on campus, or is involved in and cited for reckless driving, will forfeit all of his/her campus driving privileges immediately for the rest of the academic year. The driver will also be subject to state and local law enforcement.
  16. Students are permitted to park in any of the lots designated as student parking. Motorbikes and motorcycles are considered motor vehicles and all these rules apply to those vehicles as well.
  17. If you will be hosting a guest on campus, please stop by the Campus Security Office to pick up a temporary guest/visitor parking pass at no charge. There is an officer on duty 24/7 who will be able to assist you in obtaining one.
  18. All motorized vehicles are allowed only on established campus roadways, specifically not on grass or sidewalks, except for the residence hall move-in/move-out days.
  19. No overnight parking is permitted in those parking spots that are designated as timed parking spots located in the Bundy/Barrett/Hoerner, South Runyan and/or West Runyan parking lots.
  20. Only one ticket will be issued in a 24 hour period unless the vehicle has physically moved to another location and has committed a second offense at which time a ticket will be issued according to the new offense.

Methods of handling violations

Tickets will be issued by student Security staff and Campus Safety & Security Officers. Each ticket received for violation of Handicap parking is a $100.00 fine.

Each ticket received for non-registration/expired registration is $75 per ticket in addition to any violations listed on the ticket.

Tickets for violators (excluding handicap parking and registration violations) are $10 per ticket. Notice will be sent to a violator after receiving 5 parking tickets. The student violator will be scheduled to meet with the Director of Security or his/her designee. Faculty, staff and contract employee violators will be reported to the vice president or dean in their area.

If the violator receives a sixth parking ticket and no payment has been made toward the previous accumulated parking tickets, then a wheel immobilizer (boot) will be attached to the front driver side tire preventing the vehicle from being moved. A notice will be placed on the vehicle. The Area Director will be advised by email to contact the violator to schedule a meeting with the Director of Campus Safety & Security. If the violator makes partial payment toward their unpaid ticket amount, and has a receipt of such payment, then the boot will be removed. If the violator refuses to meet with the Director of Campus Safety & Security within 72 hours of having the immobilizer attached to the vehicle, the vehicle will be towed from campus at the owner’s expense.

If the violator receives a tenth ticket for parking/traffic violations and has not made any payments toward their accumulated ticket amount, then the violator’s car is towed from campus. The owner assumes all liability for the towing and storage fees. The violator is instructed to meet with the director of Campus Safety & Security and their driving privileges are revoked until their fines have been paid in full.

All fines associated with parking/traffic tickets are accessed to the student/ employee account by CSS and/or accounting. All fines must be paid in full prior to allowing that student to register for classes for the next academic semester or prior to the issuance of lottery number for housing for the following academic year.

Ticket appeal policy

If you wish to appeal a parking violation, you must fill out a Ticket Appeal Request Form within 14 days of the date on the ticket. Upon completion it should be taken to the Security Department for review. Appeals are reviewed every Monday by the Director of Campus Safety & Security and a student representative. You will be notified as to whether or not your ticket has been voided or if it still stands.

Next steps