Committee on Assessment and Accreditation
The Committee on Assessment and Accreditation is responsible for guiding and coordinating assessment efforts for both academic and co-curricular activities at Earlham. In order to present evidence and build arguments to support ongoing institutional developments, strategic planning, and accreditation processes, the committee shall receive regular reports from academic and co-curricular units and provide advice and guidance on:
- methods to assess student learning outcomes
- protocols for the assessment of quality and impact of majors/minors and co-curricular activities
- periodic assessment of general education student learning outcomes (in conjunction with the Curricular Policy Committee)
- Academic Departmental and Program reviews
It is the responsibility of the Assessment Committee to document assessment driven decisions and actions for the Earlham community as well as for the Higher Learning Commission’s requirements for Accreditation.
Current members
- Rachael Reavis, Convener (Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness, ex officio)
- Leanna Barlow, (Associate Academic Dean, ex officio)
- Corinne Deibel, (Registrar, ex officio)
- Angie Hobkirk, (Vice President for Student Life designate, ex officio)
- Heather Learner, (Teaching Faculty), 10/22 – 6/25
- Shannon Barnes, (Library and Archives representative)
- Peng Yu (Teaching & Learning Consultant, ex officio)
- Scott Hess, (Teaching Faculty), 9/23-6/26
- Vacant, Student