Title IX Advisory Committee

The Title IX Advisory Committee (TAC) oversees and evaluates the effectiveness of Earlham’s Title IX comprehensive prevention program. TAC recommends changes to College policies and procedures to ensure that the College remains compliant with all applicable federal laws, state laws, and guidance documents, including but not limited to Title IX, Jeanne Clery Act, VAWA Campus SaVE Act, and others. The committee identifies and prioritizes prevention strategies including but not limited to programming, education and resources for the Earlham community.

Current members

  • Beth Birky, (Director of Title IX and Equal Opportunity, ex officio)
  • Cathryn Dickman, (Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Athletics, ex officio)
  • Chris Little, (Director of Public Safety, ex officio)
  • Laura Hinkley (Associate Vice-President of Institutional Advancement, Administrative Faculty), 7/22 – 6/24
  • Annemarie Chin, (Assistant Volleyball Coach, Staff), 7/22 – 6/25
  • Douglas Harms (Visiting Assistant Professor in Computer Science, Teaching Faculty), 7/21 – 6/24
  • Elizabeth Angowski, (Assistant Professor of Religion, Teaching Faculty), 7/20 – 6/23
  • Allison Franklin, (Athletics Administrative Assistant, Staff), 7/20 – 6/23
  • Anika Sullivan (Student)
  • Madeleine Spellman (Student)

We continue to monitor the effects of an industrial fire 1.1 miles from campus.
We continue to monitor the effects of an industrial fire 1.1 miles from campus.