Grievance Council

The Grievance Council functions to hear disputes as outlined in Earlham College’s Harassment and Grievance Policy. It also functions as support for Earlham’s Ombudsperson. The role of this council is to hear and mediate “informal” complaints face to face with the concerned parties either together or separately, as appropriate and in collaboration with the Ombudsperson, and to hear “formal” complaints as outlined in the Harassment and Grievance Policy. The Council will be trained in the necessary skills needed to resolve conflicts directly and assist parties in developing conflict resolution strategies for future conflicts. One member of the Council shall act as convener. The convenor ensures that all members receive training and assists in selecting members to hear complaints.

Current members

  • Lailul Ikram, (Ombudsperson), ex-officio
  • Mark Lautzenheiser, (Teaching Faculty), 7/21 – 6/24
  • Andy Moore, Convener, (Teaching Faculty), 7/20 – 6/25
  • Thea Clarkburg, (Administrative Faculty), 7/23 – 6/26
  • Adam Hutchinson, (Administrative Faculty), 1/23 – 12/25
  • Vacant, (Staff)
  • Lyn Thomas, (Staff), 7/22 – 6/25
  • Melanie (Mimi) Holland, (ESR representative), 6/21 – 6/24
  • Vacant, (Student)