Home : Giving : Areas to Support

Areas to support

Our supporters choose to give to Earlham for a variety of reasons. Whether you’re looking to create an annual scholarship, give to a special program or cause, or help with the day-to-day operations of the College, your gift will help ensure that future Earlhamites are given opportunities for good.

You can support Earlham College by giving to:

Earlham Fund

Each year, tuition covers only 48 percent of the actual cost of educating an Earlham student. The Earlham Fund bridges the gap between tuition, other income and the actual cost of educating our students.

Learn more about the Earlham Fund →

Group of students photo

Endowed funds

Thanks to generations of committed friends and donors, Earlham College today has a notably strong endowment—especially when compared with other small liberal arts colleges. A well-managed endowment ensures the long-term stability and financial security for Earlham. All of Earlham’s endowed funds are invested and managed as part of the Earlham Endowment. This means that the principal gift is allowed to grow and only a portion of the income is spent annually.

Learn more about endowed funds →

Endowed funds include:

  • Scholarships
  • Travel Funds
  • Internships
  • Student/Faculty Collaborative Research

President’s Circle

The President’s Circle (PC) is Earlham’s leadership donor society for those who give $1,500 or more annually, allowing students of all backgrounds to pursue lives of purpose.

Each year, PC members contribute two-thirds of all gifts received by the Earlham Fund, supporting the immediate and ongoing needs of the College and empowering students as they build a future for good.

Learn more about the President’s Circle →

President's Circle seal

We’re here to help!

Our dedicated team is here to help you every step of the way. Contact us to discuss how your gift can make an impact on the lives of Earlhamites today and for years to come.

We continue to monitor the effects of an industrial fire 1.1 miles from campus.
We continue to monitor the effects of an industrial fire 1.1 miles from campus.