10 years of good

Earlham Day!

Together we celebrated the best of Earlham and the results were incredible!

Home : Giving : Areas to Support : Earlham Day

2,747 donors gave back on Earlham Day!

You made Earlham Day’s 10th anniversary special by showing your care and generosity for every Earlham student and their futures! With gifts from alumni, parents, faculty, friends, and students, Earlham Day once again reminded us how united we are in bringing good into the world. Thank you for showing you support!

Over $1.2 million raised for good!

When we all came together, we raised a total of $1,216,536 for the Earlham Fund! Your gifts go a long way in deepening the care Earlham provides to students, because the Earlham Fund supports all aspects of a student’s journey! Inspired by your generosity, students will thrive on campus – and beyond – as they effect change in the world!

Every donor unlocked a $200 match!

This year, dozens of leading supporters gave generously to make a $200 match possible for every donor! That means every bit of support – no matter the size – went even further on Earlham Day. A special thank-you goes out to all of the alums who made the $200 match possible!

Georges ’63 and Mary “Shorty” ’61 Birenbaum
Eric ’96 and Becky ’97 Dimick Eastman
Robert Graham ’65 and Jane Henney
Philip Greenwald ’77
Ken Hellendall ’77
Larry Martin ’73 and Raquel Bech
Thomas ’57 and Nancy ’56 Newlin
Stephen ’63 and Beth ’64 Ronald
Alan ’74 and Peg ’74 Scantland
Russell Scott ’71
David Stump ’72

For Good: The Campaign for Earlham College

The largest and most successful campaign in Earlham’s history thanks to you. $118 million raised in total for good!

Methods for giving


