
We partnered with PayMyTuition for international tuition payments. With PayMyTuition, you can pay your tuition payments from any bank, in any country in any currency at better than bank exchange rates. PayMyTuition is fast, simple, and cost effective.

Additional information on PayMyTuition

How to make a payment

Step-by-step instructions in your preferred language:

PayMyTuition customer support information

Call 855-663-6839 (toll-free) or through one of their local country contact numbers. You can also reach PayMyTuition Support at [email protected] or through their support page.

No matter what time zone you are in, you will have a dedicated customer support team available to you through live chat, email and phone to answer any of your questions and help you make your payment.

Estimate your costs

Use our Net Price Calculator to get a sense of how much aid you could be awarded in financial aid. (Just remember—we give thoughtful consideration to each student’s financial aid award individually, so your actual aid may differ from the calculator’s estimate.) If you have questions or need further assistance, please contact us. Our Office of Financial Aid is here to help!

More information and resources

Earlham is a community like no other. Our students and faculty are partners in learning, seeking truth wherever truth may lead. Learn more about Earlham at the links below.

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