Marketing and Communications Policies
The Marketing and Communications Office is guided by Earlham’s Mission Statement. It is our charge to demonstrate the accomplishment of the institution’s mission as we create messages that share the Earlham story. As members of the Earlham community, we are also guided by the Principles and Practices of the Earlham Community. The Faculty Handbook informs us on personnel procedures and policies.
Academic Integrity
The College’s policy on academic integrity is at the foundation of our work in Marketing and Communications. Our staff members are committed to honest reporting about Earlham; we aim at balancing positive perceptions of the College with truth telling in the messages we create for publications, media distribution and the website. We aspire to be known for honest reporting by reporters and outside agencies while modeling best practices for our student assistants.
We respect intellectual property rights and seek permission when reprinting the work or words of others or when posting materials at the website. We involve individuals being quoted in reviewing our rendition of their words. We honor legal expectations related to the purchase of computer software and music. In turn, we expect that Earlham’s messages will be properly cited by outside agencies and work with those organizations to resolve and correct problems.
The Earlhamite
The oldest college alumni magazine in continuous publication in the United States, the Earlhamite remains true to its original purpose: to be “a regular messenger going out and bearing tidings of prosperity and vicissitudes of Earlham to its friends and supporters, and bringing all who have been associated here into communication with one another” (1873).
Today, the Earlhamite, published twice a year in January and July, continues this tradition by communicating with Earlham College alumni, donors and friends, keeping them informed about each other and connected with the greater Earlham community. In addition to notes on the lives and interests of individual alumni, the magazine publishes feature stories emphasizing Earlham’s engagement with a changing world.
Several policies govern the development and production of each issue of the Earlhamite:
The Earlhamite does not offer paid or unpaid advertising space to the general public or to individual alumni. A limited number of advertisements appear in each issue. These are planned by Marketing and Communications and Institutional Advancement and usually support alumni-related programming and goals.
Articles by Faculty, Alumni or Freelancers
The Earlhamite often includes articles written by alumni, faculty members or professional freelance writers. The Earlhamite editor, having collected suggestions for alumni authors from Institutional Advancement staff or through personal research, is responsible for contacts and arrangements with writers beyond the Marketing and Communications staff. Articles become the property of the Earlhamite and may be reprinted for other uses only with the permission of the editor.
Article Suggestions and Submissions
Articles or submissions for articles about Earlham people or subject-matter may be sent to the Earlhamite editor. The editor selects articles based on their content and fit within the theme of a particular issue, and on the quality of the writing. He or she routinely consults the associate vice president for marketing and communicationsand, sometimes, the Publications Coordinating Committee, a group of teaching faculty and administrators who review plans for each issue.
Generally, articles that have little or no relation to Earlham or its broad educational mission are declined. The contents of the Earlhamite grow from the publication’s mission statement and emphasize the engagement of Earlham alumni, faculty members and students with a changing world. Issues of the magazine are planned to support institutional goals and initiatives.
If an article is chosen for inclusion, the editor reserves the right to edit the piece for length, style and clarity. The editor also handles arrangements for payment on a case-by-case basis.
Content Authority
The editor plans, prepares and/or selects articles for the Earlhamite. In preparation for each issue, he or she consults the Publications Coordinating Committee, a group of teaching faculty and administrators charged with assisting in determining the magazine’s overall direction and selecting themes for each issue. Throughout the magazine’s production, the editor discusses progress on developing the content with the associate vice president for marketing and communications and sometimes with the vice president for institutional advancement.
The contents of each Earlhamite issue grow from the publication’s mission statement and emphasize the engagement of Earlham alumni, faculty members and students with a changing world. Issues of the magazine are planned to support institutional goals and initiatives. Guided by the College’s mission and the theme of the issue, the editor has broad discretion about what is included.
In making these judgments, the editor interacts continually with the Earlham community throughout the production of the magazine’s articles and is expected to demonstrate sensitivity to any concerns brought to his or her attention. The associate vice president for marketing and communications and the vice president for institutional advancement are available for consultation as the need arises.
Nevertheless, if a dispute about including or excluding an article arises, the president, who serves as the Earlhamite‘s “publisher,” should make the final decision about the magazine’s content.
Corrections or Retractions
Given the six-month interval between publication of the magazine’s issues, the Earlhamite does not usually print corrections to previous articles or retract an article’s content. Given the process of fact-checking and approvals for processing the magazine’s articles, grievous errors are quite unusual. If an error is substantial or in the case of erroneous and grievous bias and in an effort to serve the interests of the readership, a printed correction may be considered.
Letters to the Editor
Due to space limitations and the twice-a-year publication schedule, we do not publish letters in the print edition of the Earlhamite.
The Earlhamite routinely publishes obituaries of alumni as well as past and current faculty and staff of the College. The Institutional Advancement Office always requests proof of death to verify the information on the death of an alumnus. Obituaries submitted by families or found in newspapers are often edited for brevity and style. Due to limited space, we typically list only immediate and step family members among the survivors, unless there are alumni among the extended family.
Photographs and Digital Images
Submissions of documentary style photographs demonstrating Earlham’s engagement with a changing world are welcomed. Photographs of personal milestones are not published in the Earlhamite due to space limitations. Images may be sent to the editor as .jpg or .tif files and must have at least 300 dots per inch to reproduce well within the magazine; Web-quality photos are not high-resolution enough to be printed. The editor selects photographs based on their fit within a particular issue and on the quality of the photography.
If a photograph is chosen for inclusion, the editor handles arrangements for payment and photo credit on a case-by-case basis. In general, photographs that we commission become the property of the Earlhamite and may be reprinted for other uses only with the permission of the editor. Professional photographers sometimes place limitations on the use of their photos.
Promoting Alumni Publications
When an alumnus’ book(s) or publication(s) is mentioned within an article, the citation will be documentary in style. In general the Earlhamite is not in the business of marketing alumni publications or other goods. Space issues connected with the January-July publishing schedule limit our ability to include book announcements in general.
In addition to these policies, the Earlhamite also presents discussions of scholarly topics, research and announcements of Earlham events and initiatives. Today the Earlhamite is assisted greatly in its outreach efforts by the College’s website, more specifically the electronic Pressroom and the online Class Notes.
For more information, contact Earlhamite Editor Dan Oetting.
Mission and Goals of Earlham’s Facebook Page
Earlham College created an institutional Facebook page (1) to provide a forum for the larger Earlham community to share thoughts about, enthusiasm for and memories of the College, (2) to enable our community to stay connected to the College and to each other regardless of their location, and (3) to provide continual updates about the activities and accomplishments of the College and its students, faculty and alumni. Facebook Policy Earlham’s Facebook page offers the opportunity to dialog freely about issues of personal, local, national or international interest or importance within a social network who understands the value of our extended community. Information shared within the Earlham Facebook page will not be collected by the College for any other use. From time to time, Marketing and Communications may invite various College teaching faculty, administrators, students, staff or page fans to participate in the page.
Fans of Earlham’s Facebook page agree to:
Respect the Terms provided by Facebook. See Facebook’s Rights and Responsibilities and Facebook Principles. Entries on Facebook may not infringe upon the rights of others or violate the law.
Adhere to the College Community’s Principles and Practices when posting content to Facebook. The ideal of “Practicing Respect for Persons” is important to our approach to appropriate Facebook content.
Respect intellectual property rights as presented in the College’s Copyright Policy and by Facebook when procuring and using photographs, illustrations, audio, video files or the written work of other individuals. Facebook emphasizes adherence to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Permissions must be obtained and credit given where necessary when incorporating the work of others.
Any individual participating as a fan to Earlham’s page may notify the Marketing and Communications office if, in that person’s opinion, an entry is not in keeping with these guidelines. The Marketing and Communications staff will work with the individual(s) involved to resolve the situation. Entries that do not adhere to this policy will be removed from the Earlham Facebook page upon our notification. When the guidelines specified by Facebook are violated, participants are free to notify Facebook of the violation.
Intellectual Property
The Earlham College Marketing and Communications Office respects intellectual property rights when procuring and using photographs. We seek written permissions from photographers for the use of their art in publications, Web pages and displays. When appropriate, we purchase photographs and work out agreements for credits. You may fill out the online Photographer Permission Form, or print out a PDF version.
Respect for intellectual property is demonstrated when book cover art, newspaper masts, logos, photographs, illustrations and other art from off-campus sources are needed for a publication. Marketing and Communications staff members seek official permissions and releases. If the artwork is needed for a Web page, a member of the Web Communications and Services staff researches and completes the online process for permission and release of the documents for online viewing.
When the Marketing and Communications Office is aware that photographs taken by Earlham students or faculty are being considered for use, a staff member contacts the individual involved for permission. The photographer is asked to provide a written release for the photo’s use and a mutually acceptable approach to the credit issue is arranged.
Note: When photos from Earlham’s off-campus study programs are involved, the International Programs Office’s agreement with student and faculty participants includes releases related to College publications and Web pages for the use of photographs (1) showing the program participants in the international setting and (2) taken by program participants.
Photo Availability
The Marketing and Communications Office offers and maintains a selection of photos available to the public at Flickr, a photo sharing Web site. These low-resolution, official Earlham College photographs may be downloaded for personal use by our alumni, parents, students and current employees without permission.
However, permission is required from the Marketing and Communications Office if the photographs are intended for use in publications, advertisements or promotions. High-resolution photographs also are available by contacting the Office.
Photo Credits
As a general rule, the Marketing and Communications Office avoids the use of photo credits in recruitment publications. Our usual agreement with our most frequently used photographers provides the College ownership of the photos from the shoots we arrange and purchase and use of the photos without printed credit. This is the source of 95 percent of the photos used in Earlham’s publications.
When photo credits are stipulated as a part of a purchase of photography, we include them. Photo credits are most likely to appear in the Earlhamite alumni magazine and in College events brochures.
Photo Release
The Marketing and Communications Office does not attempt to collect photo release forms from members of Earlham’s faculty or student body. Instead we make the assumption that Earlham faculty and students are our best resources for marketing the College to its constituencies and that they will welcome involvement in these activities.
Still or video photo shoots may be informal (candids of campus scenes, athletic events, performance groups, large groups or activities) or formal (planned visits to classrooms, laboratories or offices; directory shoots or athletics headshots with professional backgrounds; or video shoots on campus) in nature. All photographic images become the property of Earlham College. Marketing and Communications staff members add the digital photos or video footage captured to the College’s library of images (maintained by Marketing and Communications) which becomes a resource for the Web site and College publications.
Informal Photo Shoots
Marketing and Communications attempts to inform the campus when far-reaching informal photography projects are under way. Announcements are made through Today @ Earlham and The Word. In some instances signs are posted in areas of the campus.
Formal Photo Shoots
When a request is received or a need arises for images of particular individuals or settings (e.g., The Heart at 6:30 a.m., a history professor teaching students, students engaged in collaborative research in a laboratory), a Marketing and Communications staff member contacts the appropriate faculty member or department to schedule the photographer.
Faculty members are encouraged to inform classes of the impending photo shoot. Marketing and Communications supplies the faculty member an announcement to be made to the class with suggestions for making the shoot as effective as possible. A similar process takes place for athletics shoots; coaches are expected to let athletes know when photo shoots are scheduled.
The faculty member is asked to permit the photographer to make an announcement upon arrival at the classroom. The photographer will introduce himself, briefly explain his purpose and allow students who wish not to be photographed to move to a part of the room that will not be included in his photos. This process is dependent upon students not wishing to participate identifying themselves to the photographer.
It is assumed that students participating in a photo shoot are giving their permission for the photos to be used as the College sees fit. Students should be permitted to opt out of the shoot if that is their choice. If a student not wishing to be photographed fails to identify him or herself to the photographer, it will be very difficult to exclude that person from the resulting images.
Choice of Photos
Marketing and Communications staff, in consultation with requesting departments when possible, are responsible for choosing images on behalf of Earlham College for use at the Web site, in various publications and in video projects. Occasionally images are shared with outside entities making requests. NCAA regulations control the College’s use of photos of student-athletes.
Choices for photographs are made with great sensitivity to:
- the goal for the message(s) to be communicated
- the quality of the photo
- providing a truthful representation of the College
- the impact of the photo on the audience’s perception of Earlham.
Although we attempt to be as objective as we can in our photo choices, we recognize that making photograph selections is a subjective task. Rather than compromise the reputation of Earlham by utilizing a photograph that does not meet our qualifications, a photo shoot will be rescheduled.
Ways to Opt Out of Photos Being Published
Directory Listings:
Faculty and staff may choose not to publish their photos (or personal information) by marking the appropriate option in theheart.
Formal Shoots:
After arranging a shoot, Marketing and Communications provides an announcement that faculty may use to make their classes aware of the scheduled time for the shoot. The photographer will make an announcement allowing students to opt out of the shoot by moving to another part of the room if that is their choice.
Informal Shoots:
As stated above, it is difficult for a student to opt out of an informal photo shoot that involves, for example, a view of The Heart or a crowd at an athletic event. While photo shoots are usually announced in campus communication vehicles, tight deadlines sometimes prevent these announcements. When announcements are made, it is hoped that students not wishing to participate will not be present.
To Have a Photo Removed from Use
Concerns about the uses of individual images may be communicated to Web Communications and Services for images at the Website or to the Marketing and Communications staff for photos in print publications. We will try to resolve individual complaints while still meeting our important goals of visually representing the College. We ask your patience in this process. Expense is sometimes a consideration in our ability to change a photograph; sometimes an inventory of printed publications must be exhausted before the change can be put in place.
Note: Earlham’s Events Coordinator collects photo, audio and video release forms from visiting artists, lecturers and performing groups. Use of these photos or recordings follows contractual agreements.
The filming company should submit a written request including a description of the project, details about the use of campus locations or facilities, dates and times of shooting, numbers of people involved in each day’s shooting, types of activity to be filmed, list of equipment used in connection with the shooting, details of any student involvement planned and evidence of liability coverage to the Earlham College Marketing and Communications Office.
The College reserves the right to approve the script as a condition of project approval and to deny the use of the campus in cases in which the content of the film or project does not support the mission or reputation of Earlham College.
Marketing and Communications will inform the filming company of the College’s decision concerning the project. Marketing and Communications will coordinate the involvement of other campus personnel to work with the company (Events Coordinator, Safety and Security or Maintenance staff).