Request a transcript

An official transcript is an academic record issued by the Office of the Registrar. Official Earlham College transcripts include courses, grades and credit hours earned, along with any degrees conferred. Official transcripts include the college seal and the signature of the college Registrar.

Earlham College has partnered with the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) as the service provider to process all official transcript orders. Official transcripts can be ordered online at any time in a secure way by both current and former students. The status of the order can then be tracked through text message and email.

The National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) transcript request is the only method in which official transcripts may be requested. All the third parties (universities, potential employers, licensing boards, etc.) must place their requests through NSC.

During the ordering process, you will be asked “When do you want your transcript processed?” To help make your selection, please refer to the definitions below:

“Current-As Is” – choose this option if you want you want your transcript now, or if your degree/grades have already been posted/awarded.

“After Grades are Posted” – choose this option if you are currently enrolled and your final grades have NOT been posted. Your transcript request will be released shortly after your grades have been posted (approximately 10 days after semester ends).

“After Degree Awarded” – choose this option if you are currently enrolled/soon to graduate and your degree has NOT been awarded. Your transcript request will be released shortly after your degree has been posted (approximately three weeks after semester ends).

Electronic transcript

Transcripts requested electronically are typically received within 24 to 48 hours.

Paper transcript  

Paper transcripts will be processed during regular business hours and may take 2-3 business days processing time before mailing through regular USPS mail.  If expedited service is requested, the transcript will be placed in the mail on the same day if order is received before 3 p.m.

Pick-up service will be available at the Registrar’s office during business hours once you receive a notice that your transcript is ready.

Students who attended prior to 1996

There may be a 3 to 5-day delay in processing your order.

Expedited services

To place a rush order on your paper transcript (guaranteed same day processing if received before 3:00 p.m.), please call the Registrar’s Office at 765-983-1515 after you have placed your order in the National Student Clearinghouse. This service is not available for Apostilled transcripts.

Apostilled transcript

An Apostille is a legal document that certifies that a transcript from an American college or university is authentic and notarized. To order an Apostilled paper transcript, please call Julie Stout in the Registrar’s Office at 765-983-1515 after you have placed your order in the National Student Clearinghouse. We will work with the State of Indiana to obtain the Apostille, which will be mailed along with the official transcript.

Transcript attachment options

You may include up to three documents that are required to be sent with your Earlham transcript, such as applications forms required by recipient graduate/scholarship programs or for licensing (AMCAS, PTCAS, LSAC, etc.).


Unofficial transcripts

Current students may request unofficial transcripts in person at the Registrar’s Office for free. You will need to bring your current Student ID. Unofficial copies are not available to alumni and former students.