Health Career Pathways

Pre-health students at Earlham will receive expert preparation for the health career of their choice through any of our health career pathways. These four-year plans combine curricular and co-curricular elements that can be integrated with any major course of study you choose. The key is to begin planning as early as possible during your time at Earlham.


There is no “correct” major for Earlham students interested in health careers. The details of each pathway, shown below are flexible and can be adapted to fit your major course of study and off-campus program interests. You’ll also meet Earlham alumni who are serving successfully in their fields of choice.

Sample Four-Year Course Plan

Curricular Co-Curricular
Year 1 Fall ES I CHEM 111 Principles of Chemistry PSYC 116 Behavior, Health Care and Society – Psychology for the Health Professions
Spring ES II CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I BIOL 112
Cells, Genes & Inheritance
 Volunteer Experience*
Summer Research or internship*
Year 2 Fall BIOL 341 Cell Physiology CHEM 321 Organic Chemistry II   Volunteer Experience*
Spring Statistics CHEM 331 Equilibrium and Analysis Upper Level Biology Course*   Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 3 Fall CHEM 351 Biochemistry PHYS 120 or 125 Social Science course   Volunteer Experience*
Spring Upper Level Biology Course** PHYS 230 or 235 MCAT Preparation   Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 4 Fall Possible Off-Campus Study     Volunteer Experience*
Spring Upper Level Chemistry Course***  Senior Comprehensive Exams   Volunteer Experience*

Courses in bold are required; all others are strongly recommended.  *At least 2 volunteer experiences and 1 research or internship are required.

**Recommended choices for Upper Level Biology Courses:

  • Anatomy and Physiology I/II
  • Microbiology
  • Immunology
  • Advanced Cell Physiology
  • Parasitology

***Recommended choices for Upper Level Chemistry Courses:

  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Thermodynamics and Kinetics
  • Advanced Organic Chemistry
  • Advanced Instrumental Analysis

Sample Four-Year Course Plan

Curricular Co-Curricular
Year 1 Fall ES I CHEM 111 Principles of Chemistry PSYC 116 Behavior, Health Care and Society – Psychology for the Health Professions
Spring ES II CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I BIOL 112
Cells, Genes & Inheritance
 Volunteer Experience*
Summer Research or internship*
Year 2 Fall BIOL 341 Cell Physiology CHEM 321 Organic Chemistry II   Volunteer Experience*
Spring Statistics CHEM 331 Equilibrium and Analysis BIOL 345 Anatomy and Physiology I
  Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 3 Fall CHEM 351 Biochemistry PHYS 120 or 125 BIOL 461 Microbiology   Volunteer Experience*
Spring PHYS 230 or 235 DAT Preparation   Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 4 Fall Possible Off-Campus Study BIOL 347 Anatomy and Physiology II   Volunteer Experience*
Spring  Senior Comprehensive Exams   Volunteer Experience*

Courses in bold are required; all others are strongly recommended.  *At least 2 volunteer experiences and 1 research or internship are required.

Sample Four-Year Course Plan

Curricular Co-Curricular
Year 1 Fall ES I CHEM 111 Principles of Chemistry PSYC 116 Behavior, Health Care and Society – Psychology for the Health Professions
Spring ES II CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I BIOL 112
Cells, Genes & Inheritance
 Volunteer Experience*
Summer Research or internship*
Year 2 Fall BIOL 341 Cell Physiology CHEM 321 Organic Chemistry II   Volunteer Experience*
Spring Statistics CHEM 331 Equilibrium and Analysis BIOL 466 Molecular Genetics
  Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 3 Fall CHEM 351 Biochemistry PHYS 120 or 125 BIOL 461 Microbiology   Volunteer Experience*
Spring PHYS 230 or 235 GRE Preparation   Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 4 Fall Possible Off-Campus Study     Volunteer Experience*
Spring  Senior Comprehensive Exams   Volunteer Experience*

Courses in bold are required; all others are strongly recommended.  *At least 2 volunteer experiences and 1 research or internship are required. Experience hours vary by school but can be quite extensive (over 1000 hours in some cases)

Sample Four-Year Course Plan

Curricular Co-Curricular
Year 1 Fall ES I CHEM 111 Principles of Chemistry PSYC 116 Behavior, Health Care and Society – Psychology for the Health Professions
Spring ES II CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I BIOL 112
Cells, Genes & Inheritance
 Volunteer Experience*
Summer Research or internship*
Year 2 Fall BIOL 341 Cell Physiology     Volunteer Experience*
Spring Statistics   BIOL 345 Anatomy and Physiology I
  Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 3 Fall  BIOL 347 Anatomy and Physiology II   BIOL 461 Microbiology   Volunteer Experience*
Spring   GRE Preparation   Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 4 Fall Possible Off-Campus Study     Volunteer Experience*
Spring  Senior Comprehensive Exams   Volunteer Experience*

Courses in bold are required; all others are strongly recommended.  *At least 2 volunteer experiences and 1 research or internship are required.

More information about Advanced Degree Nursing programs.

Sample Four-Year Course Plan

Curricular Co-Curricular
Year 1 Fall ES I CHEM 111 Principles of Chemistry PSYC 116 Behavior, Health Care and Society – Psychology for the Health Professions
Spring ES II CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I BIOL 112
Cells, Genes & Inheritance
 Volunteer Experience*
Summer Research or internship*
Year 2 Fall BIOL 341 Cell Physiology CHEM 321 Organic Chemistry II   Volunteer Experience*
Spring CHEM 331 Equilibrium and Analysis BIOL 345 Anatomy and Physiology I   Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 3 Fall  CHEM 351 Biochemistry BIOL 347 Anatomy and Physiology II   Volunteer Experience*
Spring  BIOL 461 Microbiology Statistics*  GRE preparation
  Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 4 Fall Possible Off-Campus Study     Volunteer Experience*
Spring  Senior Comprehensive Exams   Volunteer Experience*

Courses in bold are required; all others are strongly recommended.  *At least 2 volunteer experiences and 1 research or internship are required.  Please note that many PA programs require a significant # of health exposure/experience hours (300-1500 hours).

*- Possible Statistics courses include MATH 120 Elementary Statistics, MATH 300 Calculus Statistics, or PSYC 245 Research Methods and Statistics


Prerequisite requirements vary from program to program.  Please look at the Directory of Physician Assistant programs with prerequisite requirements for details.

Sample Four-Year Course Plan

Curricular Co-Curricular
Year 1 Fall ES I CHEM 111 Principles of Chemistry PSYC 116 Behavior, Health Care and Society – Psychology for the Health Professions
Spring ES II CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I BIOL 112
Cells, Genes & Inheritance
 Volunteer Experience*
Summer Research or internship*
Year 2 Fall BIOL 341 Cell Physiology     Volunteer Experience*
Spring Statistics BIOL 345 Anatomy and Physiology I      Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 3 Fall BIOL 347 Anatomy and Physiology II PHYS 120 or 125 BIOL 461 Microbiology   Volunteer Experience*
Spring  AWPE191 Fundamentals of Exercise Science PHYS 230 or 235 GRE Preparation   Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 4 Fall Possible Off-Campus Study  Upper Level Psychology   Volunteer Experience*
Spring  Upper Level Social Science  Senior Comprehensive Exams   Volunteer Experience*

Courses in bold are required; all others are strongly recommended.  *At least 2 volunteer experiences and 1 research or internship are required. PT programs have a requirement of 20-100 hours of PT observation (verifiable). These are the general requirements that fit many Physical Therapy schools.  However, requirements vary significantly by school – check the PTCAS prerequisite sheet for specific schools.



Sample Four-Year Course Plan

Curricular Co-Curricular
Year 1 Fall ES I Elective 1*
Spring ES II EDUC 101 Public Health   Volunteer Experience*
Summer Research or internship*
Year 2 Fall    Statistics**   Volunteer Experience*
Spring    BIOL 200 Epidemiology     Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 3 Fall  Elective 2***
      Volunteer Experience*
 Spring  Possible Off-campus program     Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 4 Fall  
    GRE Preparation   Volunteer Experience*
Spring  SOAN 333 Medical Anthropology and Global Health   Volunteer Experience*

Courses in bold are required for the Minor in Public Health.  Completing the PH minor with a grade of 3.2 or higher qualifies a student for a preferred pathway admission to the Indiana University Fairbanks School of Public Health without taking the GRE.  It is recommended to get significant experiential learning hours by taking advantage of the following opportunities:

a.  Off-campus program with a directed internship focused on Public Health
b.  May Terms  – by approval
c.  Ford/Knight courses – by approval
d.  Co-curricular activities, health-related, Summer research (on- or off-campus), Externship, or Internship

** – Statistics courses possible include Elementary Statistics, Calculus Statistics, Psychology Statistics or Economic Statistics

***- Electives  (3 total – 1 from each category):

1.  Natural science elective (1 elective; 3-4 credits)
BIO 111 EcoBio
CHEM 111 Principles of Chemistry

2.  Social science elective (1 elective; 3-4 credits)

SOAN 118 Inequality, Power, and Society -(4 credits)

SOAN 335 Health, Medicine, and Society – Y (4 credits)

SOAN 339 Drugs and Health – every other year (4 credits)

PSYC 116 Behavior, Healthcare and Society – Y (4 credits)

PSYC 368 Human Sexuality – every other year (3 credits)

PSYC 376 Health Psychology (3 credits)

PSYC 379 Community Psychology (3 credits)

Sample Four-Year Course Plan

Curricular Co-Curricular
Year 1 Fall ES I CHEM 111 Principles of Chemistry PSYC 116 Behavior, Health Care and Society – Psychology for the Health Professions
Spring ES II CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I BIOL 112
Cells, Genes & Inheritance
 Volunteer Experience*
Summer Research or internship*
Year 2 Fall BIOL 341 Cell Physiology CHEM 321 Organic Chemistry II   Volunteer Experience*
Spring Statistics CHEM 331 Equilibrium and Analysis BIOL 345 Anatomy and Physiology I   Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 3 Fall CHEM 351 Biochemistry PHYS 120 or 125 BIOL 347 Anatomy and Physiology II   Volunteer Experience*
Spring PHYS 230 or 235 OAT Preparation   Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 4 Fall BIOL 461 Microbiology   Volunteer Experience*
Spring  Senior Comprehensive Exams   Volunteer Experience*

Courses in bold are required; all others are strongly recommended.  *At least 2 volunteer experiences and 1 research or internship are required.

Sample Four-Year Course Plan

Curricular Co-Curricular
Year 1 Fall ES I CHEM 111 Principles of Chemistry PSYC 116 Behavior, Health Care and Society – Psychology for the Health Professions
Spring ES II CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I BIOL 112 Cells, Genes & Inheritance  Volunteer Experience*
Summer Research or internship*
Year 2 Fall BIOL 341 Cell Physiology CHEM 321 Organic Chemistry II   Volunteer Experience*
Spring Math 180 Calculus CHEM 331 Equilibrium and Analysis BIOL 345 Anatomy and Physiology I   Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 3 Fall CHEM 351 Biochemistry PHYS 120 or 125 BIOL 347 Anatomy and Physiology II  BIOL 461 Microbiology   Volunteer Experience*
Spring PHYS 230 or 235 PCAT Preparation   Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 4 Fall Possible Off-Campus Study   Volunteer Experience*
Spring  Senior Comprehensive Exams   Volunteer Experience*

Courses in bold are required; all others are strongly recommended.  *At least 2 volunteer experiences and 1 research or internship are required.

These are the general requirements that fit many Pharmacy schools.  However, requirements vary significantly by school – check the AACP document on admissions requirements for specific school information.

Sample Four-Year Course Plan

Curricular Co-Curricular
Year 1 Fall ES I CHEM 111 Principles of Chemistry  
Spring ES II CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I BIOL 112
Cells, Genes & Inheritance
Summer Research or internship*
Year 2 Fall BIOL 341 Cell Physiology  
Spring Statistics CHEM 331 Equilibrium and Analysis
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 3 Fall CHEM 431 Instrumental Analysis
BIOL 466 Molecular Genetics
Summer   GRE Preparation  Research or internship*
Year 4 Fall Possible Off-Campus Study**    GRE Preparation
Spring  Senior Comprehensive Exams

Courses in bold are required; all others are strongly recommended.  *At least 2 research or internship are required.

**Suggested Choice for Off-campus:

  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Sample Four-Year Course Plan

Curricular Co-Curricular
Year 1 Fall ES I CHEM 111 Principles of Chemistry PSYC 116 Behavior, Health Care and Society – Psychology for the Health Professions
Spring ES II CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I BIOL 112
Cells, Genes & Inheritance
 Volunteer Experience*
Summer Research or internship*
Year 2 Fall BIOL 341 Cell Physiology PSYC 220 Adult Psychopathology
SOAN 115 or SOAN 118   Volunteer Experience*
Spring PSYC 245 Research Methods and Statistics BIOL 345 Anatomy and Physiology I      Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 3 Fall BIOL 347 Anatomy and Physiology II PSYC 250 Brain and Behavior
  Volunteer Experience*
Spring PSYC 230 Human Development SOAN 335 Health, Medicine and Society
GRE Preparation   Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 4 Fall Possible Off-Campus Study     Volunteer Experience*
Spring Senior Comprehensive Exams   Volunteer Experience*

Courses in bold are required; all others are strongly recommended.  *At least 2 volunteer experiences and 1 research or internship are required. These are the general requirements that fit many Occupational Therapy schools.  However, requirements vary significantly by school – check the Occupational Therapy schools list for school specific requirements.


Sample Four-Year Course Plan

Curricular Co-Curricular
Year 1 Fall ES I CHEM 111 Principles of Chemistry PSYC 116 Behavior, Health Care and Society – Psychology for the Health Professions
Spring ES II CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I BIOL 112
Cells, Genes & Inheritance
 Volunteer Experience*
Summer Research or internship*
Year 2 Fall BIOL 341 Cell Physiology CHEM 321 Organic Chemistry II   Volunteer Experience*
Spring Statistics CHEM 331 Equilibrium and Analysis BIOL 345 Anatomy & Physiology I   Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 3 Fall CHEM 351 Biochemistry PHYS 120 or 125 BIOL 347 Anatomy & Physiology II   Volunteer Experience*
Spring MATH 180 Calculus PHYS 230 or 235 MCAT Preparation   Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 4 Fall Possible Off-Campus Study     Volunteer Experience*
Spring  Senior Comprehensive Exams   Volunteer Experience*

Courses in bold are required; all others are strongly recommended.  *At least 2 volunteer experiences and 1 research or internship are required.  ALSO REQUIRED – 8 hours of documented shadowing with Physician Anesthesiologist or Anesthesiologist Assistant

Sample Four-Year Course Plan

Curricular Co-Curricular
Year 1 Fall ES I CHEM 111 Principles of Chemistry PSYC 116 Behavior, Health Care and Society – Psychology for the Health Professions
Spring ES II CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I BIOL 112
Cells, Genes & Inheritance
 Volunteer Experience*
Summer Research or internship*
Year 2 Fall BIOL 341 Cell Physiology CHEM 321 Organic Chemistry II   Volunteer Experience*
Spring Statistics CHEM 331 Equilibrium and Analysis BIOL 345 Anatomy & Physiology I   Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 3 Fall CHEM 351 Biochemistry PHYS 120 or 125 BIOL 347 Anatomy & Physiology II   Volunteer Experience*
Spring   PHYS 230 or 235     Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 4 Fall BIOL 461 Microbiology     Volunteer Experience*
Spring  Senior Comprehensive Exams   Volunteer Experience*

Courses in bold are required; all others are strongly recommended.  *At least 2 volunteer experiences and 1 research or internship are required.  ALSO REQUIRED – documented shadowing with Pathologist or Pathology Assistant

Year 1 Fall

CHEM 111 Principles of Chemistry

PSYC 116 Behavior, Health Care and Society – Psychology for the Health Professions

CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I

BIOL 112 Cells, Genes & Inheritance
 Volunteer Experience*
Summer Research or internship*
Year 2 Fall
BIOL 341 Cell Physiology

CHEM 321 Organic Chemistry II
  Volunteer Experience*
Spring Statistics
CHEM 331 Equilibrium and Analysis
Upper Level Biology Course**   Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 3 Fall CHEM 351 Biochemistry
PHYS 120 or 125
Social Science Course 1   Volunteer Experience*
Spring Upper Level Biology Course**
PHYS 230 or 235
  Volunteer Experience*
Summer  Research or internship*
Year 4 Fall Possible Off-Campus Study   Volunteer Experience*
Spring Social Science Course 2  Senior Comprehensive Exams   Volunteer Experience*

Courses in bold are required; all others are strongly recommended.  *At least 2 volunteer experiences and 1 research or internship are required.

Some pre-requisite course requirements vary, so it is important to confirm with individual chiropractic schools.  For example, some require blocks of credits (rather than individual courses), such as 24 total credits of humanities/social sciences and 24 total credits of life and physical sciences.


**Recommended choices for Upper Level Biology Courses:

  • Anatomy and Physiology I/II
  • Microbiology
  • Immunology
  • Advanced Cell Physiology
  • Parasitology