Check-in and out procedures

Checking into your room

There are traditionally four periods when you can check-in to your residence hall room: fall semester Move-In Day, spring semester Move-In Day, early arrival and late arrival. As part of the check-in process, you will have the opportunity to go over your room’s condition to ensure you know what will be considered “existing damage” when you check out.

Fall or spring semester Move-In Day

The Office of Residence Life prepares detailed communication for students moving in on either the fall or spring semester Move-In Day, including where, when and how to check in. Details are included in the student’s assignment letter, which typically is sent at least one month before move-in day. Students who need information sooner should contact the Office of Residence Life or review their housing contract for more details.

Early or late arrivals

Earlham College defines specific days as the start and end of on-campus living for Earlham College students each year, and depending on what has been arranged with the Office of Residence Life, you may need to check in before or after the defined date. To arrange an early or late arrival, contact the Office of Residence Life to check availability and schedule the new check-in date.

Room condition inventories

During the check-in process, the Room Condition Inventory report is especially important. This report will be checked against the condition of your room when you check out, and you will be financially responsible for any damage not cited on the form. Though the checklist is completed by your resident assistant (RA), you will want to review it to make sure nothing was missed. Please report any maintenance or other problems in your room to residence hall staff right away so a work order can be written to correct the problem as soon as possible.

Checking out of your room

There are traditionally four periods when students check out of their residence hall room: the end of the fall semester, the end of the spring semester, early departure and late departure. No matter when the check-out occurs, the general process is the same.

End of the fall or spring semester

The Office of Residence Life prepares detailed communication for students moving out at the end of either the Fall or Spring semester, including where, when and how to check out. This communication is typically sent by email and is provided several weeks before the end of the semester. Typically, students are required to move out by 5 p.m. the Friday of finals week. Students who need information sooner should contact the Office of Residence Life or review their housing contract for more details.

Early or late departures

Earlham College defines specific days as the start and end of on-campus living for Earlham College students each year, and depending on what has been arranged with the Office of Residence Life, you may need to check out before or after that defined date. To arrange an early or late departure, contact the Office of Residence Life to check availability and schedule the new check-out date.

Room check-out process

You should:

  1. Contact your resident assistant (RA) to schedule a time to check out at least twenty-four hours in advance of the anticipated departure, if possible.
  2. Remove all personal belongings from your room.
  3. Clean your room, including sweeping the floor, cleaning out the desk and closet and closing/locking the windows.
  4. Dispose of all garbage in appropriate receptacles within the residence hall or college house.
  5. Be sure that all college-owned furniture is returned to its original condition including bed frames if you had a loft.
  6. Check your campus mail once more and let businesses that send you mail know of your new address.
  7. Check out with your RA, which includes turning in your room key(s).

More information and resources

The Office of Residence Life works behind the scenes to keep you safe, healthy and fulfilled throughout your journey at Earlham College. Whether you are looking for academic advice, a shoulder to lean on or opportunities for personal and professional growth, our team is here to support you through it all.