Grant-writing resources

This page contains resources to help support your grant-seeking efforts such as commonly requested institutional informational, ways to find funders, and writing and budget creation advice.

Photo of person writing grant applications

  • Academic Funding Sources:
  • Community Projects:
    • Philanthropy News Digest (View current requests for proposals. To sort by area of interest, go to the “RFPS” tab and select the appropriate area.)

Tips and FAQs

While each grant or sponsored project is inherently unique, the Office of Grants and Sponsored Research offers some guidance on shared commonalities.

Accepting a grant award means entering into a contractual agreement with the funder to accomplish the activities outlined in the proposal and spend money in accordance with the submitted budget. Many funders, especially the federal government, require compliance with applicable rules and regulations upon submission and acceptance of grants. As the PI/PD, you agree to abide by all these obligations when submitting or accepting a grant.

If you have questions about expectations, the Office of Grants and Sponsored Research is here to help.

Narrative edits offered by the Office of Grants and Sponsored Research come in multiple flavors: Ensuring College compliance, alignment with funder requirements, and suggestions for clarity, tone/audience, structure, and grammar. As in any author-editor relationship, there should be an understanding that these are suggested changes and that the author is welcome to reject, counter, and further rework edits while recognizing that some items may be more negotiable than others.

When it comes time for editing, as the author, you are welcome share upfront what kind of edits you are hoping to get back. If you would prefer that the Office of Grants and Sponsored Research restrict edits only to an administrative review for College and funder compliance, please ask and focus will be only on needed edits.

As soon as you receive word of your award or declination, please let the Office of Grants and Sponsored Research know. The award letter and check must be submitted to the Controller. The Office of Grants and Sponsored Research files these notices for College records and, in the event of an award, will initiate the next steps in the acceptance process.

The Office of Grants and Sponsored Research typically sends out reminders regarding your report dates to help ensure timely reporting. Accepting grant funds includes agreeing to honoring a reporting schedule. Submitting reports on-time is essential for maintaining a positive relationship with the funder. Failure to submit reports on time may jeopardize your access to grant funds and, in some cases, institutional access to that funder’s money.

After the College receives notice of your award, the Controller will set up an account for your grant that will enable you to access the funds. Spending must align with your proposal budget, funder terms and conditions, and Earlham accounting guidelines such as those outlined in Earlham’s Business Expense Policy.

We continue to monitor the effects of an industrial fire 1.1 miles from campus.
We continue to monitor the effects of an industrial fire 1.1 miles from campus.