Meg Streepey-Smith, Ph.D.
Professor of geology
Email:[email protected]
Department: Earth and Environmental Science
Program: Honors program
3-2 Pre-Engineering
Location: Dennis Hall Room 319
801 National Road
Richmond, Indiana 47374
About me
I regularly involve Earlham students in my research, and our work often leads to presentations at national conferences. I have led Earlham’s off-campus program in New Zealand.
I first learned about Earlham when I was a college senior at Indiana University in Bloomington. I came up to play in an ultimate frisbee tournament, spent some time after the tournament hanging out with Earlham students at Miller Farm, and I was hooked. I never forgot Earlham, so when the opportunity came to apply for a job here, I jumped at the chance!
- Ph.D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- M.S., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- B.S., Indiana University
Professional memberships
Research projects
Evolution of Precambrian orogenic belts
Scholarship of teaching and learning
Collaborative student research experiences
My husband, Chris (biology professor), and our two kids taught the New Zealand program in spring 2014. It involved a lot of field geology and biology, hiking, sea kayaking, and canoeing, plus learning about the cultural history of New Zealand.
Scholarly interest
My scholarly work focuses on the evolution of mountains. My students and I study these questions by analyzing rocks and structures that are part of very old mountain systems so that we can answer questions about the internal workings of how mountains form and fall apart.
Published works
Selected publications with Earlham student authors only (* denotes Earlham student)
Marshall, E.W.*, Peck, W.H. and Streepey, M.M. (2012) Petrology and Geochemistry of the Allsaw Anorthosite: A Scapolitized Meta-Anorthosite in the Grenville Province, Ontario at The Geological Society of America North-Central Section Meeting AND at the Earlham Annual Research Conference
Stolar, Ana*; Atallah, Nidal*; Deibel, Michael; Iverson, John; and Streepey, Meg (2009) Trace metal investigation of surface water, sediment, and biological samples from a local watershed (Richmond, IN). At the 9th Annual Indiana Local Section American Chemical Society Poster Session, Ball State University, Muncie, IN.
Atallah, Nidal*, Stolar, Ana*, Deibel, Michael, Iverson, John, and Streepey, Meg (2009) Preliminary trace metal analysis of sediment core, water and biological samples from Springwood Lake (Richmond, IN). At the Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Chicago, IL.
Williamson, Evan*, Yates, Keta*, Edwards, Kyle*, Gachoro, Martin*, Issed, Razan*, Skog, Kate*, Deibel, Corinne, Deibel, Michael, and Streepey, Meg (2008) Correlation of organic carbon content estimates and heavy metals concentration in lake sediment cores: an example from Springwood Lake, Richmond, Indiana. At the Geological Society of America North-Central Section Meeting, Evansville, IN.
Code, Alex* and Walters, Andrew*; Streepey, Meg (2007) Origins of the Pikes Peak Batholith: A Macro to Micro Survey of the Northern Intrusive Contact Boundary. At the 2007 Natural Sciences Undergraduate Research Poster Conference, Earlham College, Richmond, IN.