Alan Simon

Class of 1977 Chair


Williamsville, NY

Current City

Drexel Hill, PA




[email protected]



How did Earlham help prepare you for your current career?

“Earlham excels at teaching students analyzing and writing skills, and the College gave me a well-rounded liberal arts education that allowed me to easily transition from a natural history museum-based career to one in library automation.”

Why do you volunteer for the college?

“I am a fifth-generation Earlhamite (and my daughter is a sixth). Earlham has instilled in my family a desire to work for the good of society, and I want to help the College educate future generations of students with the same ideals. I also want to help biology students train for a career in the natural sciences (especially ornithology).”

Favorite Earlham memory?

“After taking the Ornithology class with Jim Cope during he spring of my sophomore year, I spent two years working in the Joseph Moore Museum, including a year as the student Curator of Ornithology.”