Collaborative research
At Earlham, every student is given the opportunity to work with faculty to grow their skills and gain hands-on experience. Students develop close working relationships with faculty in the classroom, laboratory, library and in the field. These interactions help our students (and faculty) become experts in their fields and prepare for life-changing careers.
Our students and faculty have teamed up to research many different topics, choosing to present that research or even publish in academic journals. Research is not limited to the sciences—students in the humanities and arts are encouraged to find a subject they’re passionate about to pursue. And research gives our students the chance to travel the world, as they research different places, cultures, and phenomena.
There are four different programs through which students conduct collaborative research. We encourage you to find your best fit, and follow your passion to unforgettable memories.
Academic year collaborative research
During the academic year, student research is under faculty supervision and students earn academic credit for it. The research project can either be independent of a faculty member’s own research program or it can involve more structured mentoring by faculty. In addition, many departments require research as part of the major. Alternatively, some faculty hire Student Research Assistants as a work study job.
Academic year collaborative research gives students a chance to work with their classmates and an expert in their future field. Students are given the opportunity to learn and grow in the field (or in a lab, or in a stream, or maybe even on a mountain). At the end of this research, students present their work at the Epic Expo or in another special forum.

Summer collaborative research
What are your summer plans? Going to the pool? Visiting the beach? What about conducting research to preserve the health of grassland birds? Or helping the City of Richmond remove a dam?
During the summer, students may receive financial support to conduct research through Summer Collaborative Research. Students work an average of 40 hours per week, alongside classmates and an expert faculty member. They gain valuable hands on experience, and maybe even get to travel the world. And at the end students are encouraged to present their research to the Earlham Community.
Epic Advantage collaborative research
As part of their Epic Journey, Earlhamites are guaranteed the Epic Advantage, $5000 for a career-discerning experience.
Students can pursue collaborative research with their Epic Advantage. Students will travel off-campus to explore their field of interest, with the guiding knowledge of a faculty member. Students will work closely with their peers and grow from this career-discerning opportunity.
(Plus, have you ever been to Iceland? It’s beautiful in the summer!)

McNair summer research intensive
Students involved in the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program (McNair, for short) have one goal in mind: obtaining a PhD. These students are bright, ambitions, driven—and interested in research.
The McNair program offers the McNair Summer Research Intensive for those students. The program aims to familiarize students with research through a hands-on approach and prepare them for their educational journey post-graduation.