Institutional Effectiveness

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness at Earlham College seeks to serve the college community by developing and implementing data reporting standards and systems to support decision-making and strategic planning. When possible, the Office attempts to contextualize the Earlham experience through the use of comparable information from peer higher education institutions and associations. In many ways, the products of this work serve as a mirror, reflecting many snapshots of the Earlham experience. Through this reflection and analysis, the mission of this Office connects with Earlham’s mission and commitment, “to provide the highest-quality undergraduate education in the liberal arts….”

More specifically, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness:

  • Provides information that is relevant to the needs of policy and decision-makers of the College
  • Coordinates Earlham’s participation in surveys
  • Responds to inquiries from federal and state government
  • Assists with implementation of assessment strategies across campus
  • Shares data with other colleges and universities
  • Coordinates sharing information with college guide publications

If you are interested in conducting a survey or other research and plan to recruit participants using college email lists (e.g., [email protected]), then you must request approval by emailing [email protected] at least 30 days in advance of your planned collection date.

This process aids the Office of Institutional Effectiveness in coordinating community participation while mitigating survey fatigue, which decreases response rates for critical institutional research.

Data resources

Institutional data

Review Earlham College’s current survey schedule, and read about how data are used and who has access to it.

Common Data Set (CDS)

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness provides public access to Common Data Set information for Earlham College.


Access completed surveys administered by Earlham College as part of ongoing institutional research and assessment.