Upper-level living-learning communities

The upper-level student experience offers the chance to live in a close-knit group of peers who have shared community and educational goals for the academic year. There are a number of college houses that surround campus on College Avenue and National Road West, all of which have a different theme or friendship community. Each college house holds between five and twelve students at a time, allowing a close and independent community to live together throughout the year. Earlham College’s houses bolster intentional learning environments beyond what a typical residence hall community provides.

Residence Hall lifestyle and themed communities

Residence Hall lifestyle and themed communities are a floor or floors of students living together around shared values and/or educational or service goals. These communities are reviewed regularly by the Office of Residence Life. Students self-select into the communities as space allows, agreeing to live by the tenants of the community.

African, African-American, & Black Identity Community (BAAAF)

The African, African-American, & Black identity community is an intentionally designed community for black-identifying students at Earlham College. This community provides more direct connection to support and resources for black-identifying students while also creating a stronger sense of community through shared-experiences. The African, African-American, & Black community is located on the third floor of Warren Hall.

Substance Free community

The Substance Free community is committed to living a total substance-free lifestyle. Students living in this community share a commitment to zero substance use, such as tobacco and alcohol. The Substance Free community is located on the second floor of Earlham Hall.

Theme house communities

Theme houses are elements of our residential life program that have special connections to our educational program. Many are supported by an academic department and advised by a member of the teaching faculty. These communities provide special experiences that extend various aspects of our educational program. Theme houses enable both majors and non-majors with an active interest in a field to live together and explore a theme in a more independent residential setting. Please read our Theme House Policy Statement.

The Campus Life Advisory Committee reviews Theme House communities every four years and will begin the process this fall.

Jewish Cultural Center

Jewish Cultural Center

Blue Shutters House

JCC provides a community space for Jewish students and beyond on campus. JCC is a space for all those interested in Jewish life to eat, learn, and have fun! We host cultural events for holidays, we cook Shabbat weekly as a house and often for all of campus. We also host a range of speakers who talk about Judaism in many different contexts.

Jewish Cultural Center

Quaker House

Cunningham Cultural Center House

Quaker House provides an environment for Quaker students and anyone interested in the values or practices of Quakerism. The House offers a safe space where residents can explore what Quakerism means to students and community members. We organize weekly house events to foster the Quaker presence on campus, including but not limited to workshops, worship, and fellowship.

Jewish Cultural Center

Asian American & Pacific Islander House

Marshall House

Quaker Living Learning House provides an environment for Quaker students and students interested in Quakerism. The house provides an atmosphere and a space where residents explore what Quakerism means to students, community members and others. House sponsored events to make the Quaker presence on campus more visible include workshops, worship and fellowship.

Jewish Cultural Center

Interfaith House

Edwards House

Jewish Cultural Center

Foster House

Jewish Cultural Center

Sustainable Agriculture House

Fry House

Jewish Cultural Center

Mindfulness House

Garner House

Jewish Cultural Center

Cunningham African American Cultural Center

Jewish Cultural Center

Art House

Hobbs House

Jewish Cultural Center

Casa Latinx

Penn House

Jewish Cultural Center

Reece House

Jewish Cultural Center

Wildman House

Jewish Cultural Center

Music House

Woodman House

Social & service house communities

Social & service communities provide students with the opportunity to establish an intentional community, within the larger Earlham community, based on shared social, academic, or service interests. Unlike the theme communities, social & service communities need not be connected with an academic department. Proposals that promote service, shared responsibility for house activities and academic success are strongly preferred. Social & service communities should bear in mind the College’s priorities on sustainability, wellness and living respectfully with our greater community.

 Note: The following houses have central air conditioning: 417 College Avenue, Blue Shutters, Garner, Marshall and Woodman. Other houses listed have no central air conditioning; window or portable A/C units not allowed due to electrical safety concerns. 

Jewish Cultural Center

LGBTQ+ House

Brown House

Jewish Cultural Center

Outdoor Education House

Cutter House

I know where I want to live, what’s next?

Once you’ve selected a hall that you have a preference for, the next step is to fill out a housing application. If you’ve already done that and know where you will be moving to, check out our page on moving in!

More information and resources

The Office of Residence Life supports and encourages students by providing guidance in contemplative inquiry, opportunities for dialogue, sponsoring celebratory communal events, and supporting opportunities that enable students to put their most cherished beliefs into daily practice.