
The core purpose of the policy is the prohibition of sex discrimination, including sex-based harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking, in all education programs and activities of Earlham College and the Earlham School of Religion (“Earlham”).

This Policy applies to all students, employees, visitors, volunteers, alumni, trustees, and any individuals regularly or temporarily employed, studying, living, visiting, conducting business, or having any official capacity at Earlham.

This Policy is applicable to alleged incidents occurring on or after August 1, 2024. For alleged incidents of sexual harassment occurring prior to August 1, 2024, please consult the policy and procedures in place at the time of the alleged incident. Applicable versions of those policies and procedures are available from the Title IX Coordinator.

Policy documents

Contact the Office of Title IX

General Contact for the Office of Title IX
Email [email protected]

Title IX Coordinator
Beth M. Birky, Ph.D.
Director of Title IX and Equal Opportunity
Human Resources #301
Phone: 765-983-1346
Email: [email protected] 

Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Athletics
Cathryn Dickman, MPH
Athletics and Wellness Center, # 2105
Phone: 765-983-1889
Email: [email protected]

External Reports

Concerns about the Earlham’s application of this Policy and compliance with certain federal civil rights laws may also be addressed to:

Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20202-1100
Customer Service Hotline #: 800-421-3481
Fax: 202-453-6012
TDD#: 877-521-2172
Email: [email protected]

Office for Civil Rights (OCR)-Chicago Office
U.S. Department of Education
John C. Kluczynski Building
230 S. Dearborn Street, 37th Floor
Chicago, IL 60604
Telephone: 312-730-1560
Fax: 312-730-1576
TDD#:  800-877-8339
Email: [email protected]

For complaints involving employee-on-employee conduct: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Visit

Policy specifications

Last revision: 01/23/2025
Responsible office: Title IX
Responsible party(ies): Director of Title IX and Equal Opportunity
Approved by: President
Approval date: 08/01/2024
Effective date: 08/01/2024
Related policies: Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
Discrimination and Harassment Grievance Procedures
Pregnancy and Related Conditions (and Parenting Students)
Associated division(s):
Associated audience(s):
Associated container(s):

Policy home: