Policy statement

Formally, the College has expressed a statement on approved absences for students in acknowledging religious observances. We also acknowledge students who participate on varsity athletic teams, upon consultation with their faculty, shall be excused when required for conference travel. It is not the expectation of the College, that Faculty approve absences from course time when information is simply provided via the faculty list serve. Further, when possible, it would be helpful to include information about field trips that will require students to leave campus during the time frame of the academic daily/weekly schedule, on the course schedule. This would allow students to know in advance how to plan their time.

Faculty are also expected to clearly articulate their expectations for attendance on the course syllabus.

II. Review and Approval

Curricular Policy Committee presented the proposal to Faculty at its Oct. 18, 2006 meeting.

Faculty approved the policy.

Policy specifications

Last revision: 10/18/2006
Responsible office: Academic Affairs
Responsible party(ies): Curricular Policy Committee
Approved by: Faculty Meeting
Approval date: 10/18/2006
Effective date: 10/18/2006
Associated division(s):
Associated audience(s):
Associated container(s):
Policy home: https://earlham.edu/policy/approved-absences-students