Student Social Event Policy

Student social events are planned for the enjoyment of the Earlham community. Our primary concern is to provide entertainment for students in a safe atmosphere. Therefore, unless otherwise stated, all student social events at the College are closed and available only to Earlham community members. The sponsoring group is responsible for monitoring its own event under the overall direction of the Public Safety Office.

  1. Each event (including all details and arrangements) must be discussed with, and approved by, the Director of Public Safety and the Director and/or Assistant Director of Student Engagement and Runyan Center at least two weeks before the event is to occur. If the event is to occur in a residence hall or campus house, the Area Director will fill the role of the Director of Student Activities.

  2. The Director of Public Safety and the Director and/or Assistant Director of Student Engagement and Runyan Center work with the student event planners to prepare for the safety of the audience at the event. Student event planners must work with the directors of Public Safety and of Student Engagement and Runyan Center proactively during the entire planning process until the event’s completion to help ensure a well organized and safe event for the community.

  3. Security personnel will be hired as necessary by the Director of Public Safety.

  4. Student event planners may check Earlham IDs before students may enter the event. Guests must also show a form of picture ID before entering the event. The decision to check IDs or not must be agreed upon at least two weeks in advance. The final decision will be made by the the Director of Public Safety and the Director and/or Assistant Director of Student Engagement and Runyan Center.

  5. Earlham students may have guests at an event. Unless a relative of an Earlham student or a prospective student hosted by the Admissions Office, all guests must be at least 18 years of age. Exceptions may be made in advance with the Director and/or Assistant Director of Student Engagement and Runyan Center. Earlham students are completely responsible for their guests and must remain with them at the event at all times.

  6. Students sponsoring the event must make our Community Principles and Practices expectations known and work with the Office of Public Safety to ensure the safety of those attending the event.

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