Earlham College is partnering with Reid Health to offer a COVID-19 vaccine clinic on campus Thursday, April 15 and Friday, April 16.
“We are so fortunate to have a strong community partner in Reid Health,” Earlham President Anne Houtman said. “With their expertise, oversight, and coordination, we will greatly accelerate the distribution of the vaccine to our campus community and take a step closer toward business as usual.”
Scheduling for the clinic was set up to ensure both doses of the Pfizer vaccine can be administered before classes at the colleges end for the semester. This special clinic is not open to the general public.
“We are excited to be able to offer this service to our local colleges and the Richmond State Hospital,” said Thomas Huth, M.D., Vice President of Medical Affairs for Reid Health. “We want to do everything we can to ensure as many people as possible get vaccinated.
“The quicker we can get shots in arms, the quicker we can move past this pandemic.”
Getting students, faculty, and staff vaccinated is critical for a return to in-person instruction next school year.
“The pandemic has posed significant challenges for higher education, especially residential liberal arts colleges like us,” Houtman said. “Hands-on, in-person learning experiences are at the heart of our work in the classroom and beyond. Reid has worked with us to address some of those challenges, and this partnership has been a key factor in keeping our campus community safe and healthy. We are eager to get back to what we do best with Reid’s support and commitment to the health and safety of our region.”
Media contact
Brian Zimmerman
Interim co-vice president of marketing and communications
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 765.983.1256