Home : Academics : Off-campus Experiences : Vicki Penziner-Matson Field Trips : Sandhill Crane and Indiana Dunes – 2017

Sandhill Crane and Indiana Dunes – 2017

The Vicki Penziner-Matson Fund supported the 2017 Sandhill Crane and Indiana Dunes Field Trip on November 11-12. Wendy Tori, Andrea Ball, Jose Ignacio Pareja and John Iverson led the trip. Participants included faculty, alumni, students, and Earlham family and friends for a total of 36 people.

The group saw a great gathering of Sandhill Cranes on the first morning before they begin leaving to the adjacent farmland to feed. After enjoying this gathering display of the cranes, they slowly drove the rural roads outside the refuge to observe flocks of cranes feeding in agricultural fields...”

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“This weekend I felt so lucky to have so many special experiences: the endless flocks of sandhill cranes landing in front of us were one of the most magnificent things I have ever seen, I gained a new appreciation for Indiana geology while visiting the dunes, and I found myself developing new friendships with other Earlhamites. I will remember this weekend forever!”



The Vicki Penziner-Matson Sandhill Crane Field Trip at the Indiana Dunes is just one example of the off-campus experiences available to Earlham College students.

We continue to monitor the effects of an industrial fire 1.1 miles from campus.
We continue to monitor the effects of an industrial fire 1.1 miles from campus.