Love’s Labours Lost

Open Auditions

Auditions for Love’s Labours Lost by William Shakespeare will take place from 7pm to 10pm on Monday August 29th and Tuesday August 30th

Home : Academics : Major, Minors and Programs : Theatre Arts : Earlham Theatre Productions

Earlham Theatre Productions

Earlham’s Department of Theatre Arts produces a number of plays each year. Whether or not you’re a theatre arts major, you can get involved on stage or behind the scenes. Learn more about Earlham’s theatre productions, our mission and values, and how you can get involved in these pages.

Current season

What’s happening in theatre at Earlham? Learn more about current and upcoming productions, or use the button below to view snapshots of our past seasons.

Edinburgh Festival Fringe

The Earlham College Theatre Department will be returning to Scotland for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe festival in August to perform The Further Misadventures of Martin Hathaway: Shipwrecked off Heramathea’s Cove.

Love's Labours Lost hero image


Prospective students

Considering getting your degree at Earlham? Whether you are interested in becoming a theatre arts major, minor or just having fun with the department, we’d love to have you join us!

Make sure to check out our mission and values and recent productions pages to get a sense of our department.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook or Instagram!

WATCH: Brianna Miller ’21 discusses her Epic journey through theatre at Earlham.