Degree and licensure policies and reports

Licensure standards and completion of the degree

The Earlham College Graduate Programs in Education Department makes recommendations for licensure to the state of Indiana only upon a candidate’s:

  • Successful completion of the course work with a 3.0 G.P.A.
  • Successful completion of supervised teaching with a rating of proficient or distinguished.
  • Faculty satisfaction that Indiana Developmental Standards for Educators have been met at a level of proficient or distinguished and with sufficient documentation.
  • Achieving the minimum score required by the state of Indiana on the Praxis assessments series (this includes a content exam and a pedagogy exam).


  • Successful completion of the summative portfolio with a rating of proficient or distinguished.

Degree requirements

M.A.T. degree candidates complete 43 semester credits of coursework as a cohort. The courses are sequentially ordered over 11 months.

State and national requirements

Candidates for the M.A.T. degree at Earlham College must meet the standards for P-12 teacher licensure of the state of Indiana and by the U.S. Department of Education. These standards are available in the Graduate Programs in Education Office or online at the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium principles (INTASC).

Policies and reports

Academic policies

View GPE policies for attendance, compliance, billing and payments, grades, and more.


View our Title II and 1388 Annual EPP reports.

Program Handbook

Download the GPE Program Handbook.

Student Teaching Handbook

Download the Student Teaching Handbook.