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Training & Workshops

Beat the Burnout: Compassion Fatigue and Professional Quality of Life (1.5 hrs)

Examining components of professional burnout for persons in helping professions using the evidence-based ProQOL. Discussing specific strategies (personal and organizational) to address your burnout score as measured by the ProQOL assessment.

Substance Use Disorders 101: (1 hr)

Overview of the process of addiction from a medical model, as well as examination of treatment models. Better understand how substances can influence the presentation and behavior of students and others, as well as available resources.

Managing and responding to students in distress (1.5 hrs)

Utilizes components of motivational interviewing and CPI verbal intervention training to recognize common signs of student distress, to know how to respond, and when to refer out. Less comprehensive than MI or CPI trainings, a generalist overview.

SafeZone training: (3 hrs)

Safe Zone trainings are opportunities to learn about LGBTQ+ identities, gender and sexuality, and examine prejudice, assumptions, and privilege. Having a deeper familiarity and comfort with vocabulary, inclusive practices, and privilege can help you identify ways that your organization can continue to be a more safe and inclusive space for your LGBTQ+ students and coworkers. Learn more about the SafeZone project at www.thesafezoneproject.com.

Motivational Interviewing to Address Behavior Change (1hr, 2hr, 4hr)

Learn core elements and skills of Motivational Interviewing to help drive behavior change in students and others. MI is an evidenced-based protocol that focuses on exploring and addressing ambivalence to change, using the individual’s own reasons and motivations. Highly effective in addressing repetitive ‘problematic’ behaviors (i.e. smoking cessation, excessive absenteeism, failure to follow through with tasks, negative coping behaviors, etc.). Ideal for individual working in all divisions of Student Life (including Athletics), and Public Safety.

CPI Verbal Intervention training: (6 hrs)

Verbal Intervention training prepares your staff to identify, respond to, and prevent low-risk crisis behavior with non-restrictive intervention techniques. CPI verbal intervention provides concrete steps to assisting and responding to a person in emotional crisis. Instructed by certified CPI trainers from the Health & Counseling department. Learn more at https://www.crisisprevention.com/our-programs/verbal-intervention/. Ideal for individual working in all divisions of Student Life (including Athletics), and Public Safety.

Our counselors

Alisa Damholt, LCSW

Director of counseling services

Components of cultural identities

White, Queer, female, Quaker, Danish-American. Earlham alum. Athlete.

Areas of competency

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (mood disorders, substances, and psychosis protocols), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Seeking Safety, Motivational Interviewing, Motivational Interviewing for Athletes, Harm Reduction, Matrix, Interpersonal Therapy for Depression, crisis evaluation and intervention.

Desiree Tharp-Davis


Components of cultural identities

African-American, Caucasian and Native American. Step-father immigrated from Mexico, raised culturally Latino. Female, first-generation college student. Former athlete.

Areas of competency

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy skills, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy skills, Motivational Interviewing, crisis intervention.

Barbie Will, LCSW

Contract counselor

Components of cultural identities

Filipino, female, pansexual, military family, first-generation immigrant.

Areas of competency

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for depression and anxiety, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy,Motivational Interviewing,EMDR, crisis intervention.