Earlham College has again been recognized for having one of the nation’s best classroom experiences, according to the 2021 edition of The Princeton Review’s Best 386 Colleges.
For the third straight year, Earlham is featured alongside just 20 other institutions for excellence in teaching and learning. The designation is based on responses to a national survey about the percentage of classes students attend, the quality of their classrooms and lab facilities, and the amount of in-class time devoted to discussion.
“We have a saying at Earlham that it’s not just what’s on the syllabus, it’s who’s in the room,” Earlham President Anne Houtman said. “At Earlham, our students and faculty are true partners in learning and challenge each other to grow. It’s no wonder our students form such close bonds with their professors and consider them friends and mentors long after graduation.”
Earlham’s approach to the liberal arts has been enhanced in recent years. The College’s aim is to offer students “a personal, four-year journey” that combines an academic major with transformative learning experiences though initiatives like the Earlham Advantage, which offers a funded internship, project or research experience for every student. The initiative provides a level of financial support and flexibility for students that few institutions in the country can match and is intended to help bridge the gap from academic study to careers.
“Earlham’s collaborative advising model, which includes a team of academic and career advisers, helps each student to consider the available opportunities and integrate their experiences into academic plans and career aspirations,” the Princeton Review said in their profile of Earlham. “There is also funding to support other high-impact learning experiences, including student-faculty research, so many Earlham students benefit from multiple opportunities.”
Student outcomes also factor heavily in the Princeton Review’s profile of Earlham. In recent years, Earlham has produced Rhodes Scholars, Watson Fellows, and students funded by the National Science Foundation to support their research and costs for graduate school. Earlham also ranks in the top 2 percent of the nation for the percentage of graduates who go on to earn research doctorates.
In addition to extraordinary classrooms, the guide also lauds Earlham for its significant financial aid, environmentally conscious student body, and active support for a diverse student body.
To see the full rankings, visit https://www.princetonreview.com/best386.
Media contact
Brian Zimmerman
Assistant vice president of strategic communications
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 765.983.1256