Data Dashboard
Follow the links below for recent reports on diversity, equity and inclusion at Earlham.
- Student Enrollment, Fall 2023 (pdf)
- Retention and Graduation Rates, 2014-2022 (pdf)
- Transfer Student Retention and Graduation Rates (pdf) (log in required)
- Disaggregated First Destinations Data, 2019-2023 (pdf) (pdf) (log in required)
- Employee Report, Fall 2022 (pdf) (log in required)
- Data Bytes, 12.07-2023 (pdf) (log in required)
- DEI at Earlham, New Faculty Orientation, Fall 2023 (pdf) (log in required)
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Institutional Structures and Our Accreditation, All-Employee Retreat, Fall 2023 (pdf) (log in required)
If you are not a current Earlham student or employee and would like to request access the reports requiring an Earlham log-in, please write Gariot Louima, Sr. Assoc. Vice President for Strategic and Diversity Initiatives, at [email protected].
It is a foundational Quaker belief that all persons have available to them an inner spirit of Truth, often known as the ‘Inner Light’ or ‘God’s Voice Within.’
“From this belief follows an assumption of equality of all persons and grounds for respecting all persons. We commit ourselves to be a community whose members act with regard for the intellectual, physical and emotional well-being of everyone, while acknowledging that there are systems of oppression that we strive to dismantle that affect our own community. We seek to find mutual respect, trust and happiness in our relationships with persons of every race, ethnicity, class, religious preference, political affiliation, gender identity, physical ability, sexual orientation and age, including persons removed by time and place.”
– Earlham College, Principles and Practices